Unique Facts about Montessori


What’s unique about Montessori?

Some of today's common misconceptions say that children are helpless, mindless, and dependent. Montessori believes the complete opposite; a child has the potential to learn from the moment they are born. Just like creatures are instinctively driven to survive, Dr. Maria argues children are similarly forced to learn. "The brain creates most neurological connections before a child turns 10. This is also the time when they learn the language best. So when you use rich language with your young child, you are improving their future vocabulary" (source). Unfortunately, due to these misconceptions, ages 0-3 are when we ignore the child the most.

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future… Let us treat them with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.” Dr. Maria Montessori

What’s different about Montessori as an Education system?

Montessori is available in different "levels" from birth to adolescence with three-year cycles between each level; Assistance to Infancy (0-3 yr), Primary (3-6 yr), Lower Elementary (6-9 yr), Upper Elementary (9-12 yr) and Adolescence (12-15 yr). Classroom layouts are different from mainstream schools and are designed for multi-age groups. Each level setup caters to the needs of that specific age group.

Montessori Education is unique because...

  • It is based on scientific methods and research to support the child's development.

  • Emphasizes cognitive and social development as much as academics.

  • The teacher has a hidden role in the classroom, is called a Montessori Guide (or Directress), and must be highly trained to assist the child through the learning and development process.

  • The teaching environment and method encourage self-discipline and initiative-taking.

  • Mixed-age groups encourage children to teach each other.

  • The child chooses what they want to work on through self-directed learning.

  • The child discovers their potential through self-teaching materials.

  • The child sets their own learning pace.

  • Self-correcting materials help the child direct.

  • Allows the child to master concepts through repetition.

  • There are no tests or exams.

  • They are designed to foster the child's love of learning and exploration.

Dr. Maria always said: Follow the Child. Of course, children reveal to us what they need, one way or another, but for that to work, we must rid ourselves of our preconceived notions and be attuned to the child's educational development needs.


What is Montessori Education?


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